Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Paris Day 1

So much to say about Paris!

First of all, Julie’s family is amazing. No one could be more welcoming or accommodating than they have been to me.

This picture was taken during a family supper that I attended at Julie’s uncle’s house. Her family is Laotian in origin but do not be fooled, they are very Parisian people. Most of the supper was spent asking me about Quebec expressions and laughing (in a friendly way) at my Quebecois accent.

Things that Parisians do not understand:

“Tire toi une buche” … They thought this was HILARIOUS.
“Souper” I’m assuming this is an Anglicism derived from the word “supper”, because they don’t use this word and hearing provokes extreme fits of laughter in them.
“Y fais frette” Proper French equivalent: “Il fait froid” In Montreal people are not as bad as in Val d’Or, but all the frogs where I am from know that when it’s really cold it isn’t “froid” it’s “FRETTE!”

Also, Julie has a little cousin that is quite possibly the cutest thing on this side of the planet. (As opposed to the other side, in which case it would be Jordan followed by a close second place held by none other than The Biebs)

Ever since my nephew has been born every little boy reminds me of him, which is ridiculous because he is only four months old. Nonetheless, this 8 year old asian cutie reminded me of Jordan and melted my heart. And I think he liked me too, he kept calling my name and asking me questions and asking me to sit on the hammock with him. Awwwww :)


  1. I extend my thanks to Julies's family for welcoming you among them and making you feel at home.

  2. What a beautiful family this is! I thank Julie and her family for their generosity.
